The Proposal.

Our aim is to find out the areas the client is looking to benefit from, it may be the desire of building a portfolio to use as a pension in years to come or to simply just top up the bank balance with a single project. Which ever way they choose this is a valid topic that LUXE like to address and understand with the client at the very beginning of their business relationship. LUXE succeed in presenting our clients, and potential clients, with development opportunities that generate projective returns of 25-80% over 6-18 months and yields of 5-10%. All of our projections and forecasts are put together conservatively and are always up to speed with current market prices. This is due to LUXE holding a constant active role in the market place.

After initially meeting with the potential client, LUXE will search through their roster cherry-picking sites using the investment criteria gathered in the initial client meeting. Thus creating a lucrative development proposal tailored around the individuals preferred style of property or land investment i.e area, size, timescale etc.

The development proposal contains estimated costings, verbal valuations from local agents, and local area research.

Once the potential client understands the concept and has chosen the appropriate development opportunity for themselves, they retain TLD on an hourly rate. During this time TLD will perform their services working on behalf of the client.


How It Works